Thursday, 23 April 2020

Yazmae Cosmetics Luxury 3D Mink False Eyelashes review

- This post contains gifted products and affiliate links. -

Hey guys! It's been a little while since I reviewed some false lashes, but today I will be sharing two pairs of false eyelashes with you from the brand Yazmae Cosmetics.

Yazmae Cosmetics Luxury 3D Mink Lashes in Dubai and London
Yazmae Cosmetics Luxury 3D Mink Lashes in Dubai and London

Yazmae Cosmetics provide a range of luxury, false mink and silk lashes, Eyelash Serum for lengthening the lashes (review coming soon!) and lash glue. They also offer a generous makeup artist discount of 65%. 

I have two pairs of Yazmae Cosmetics luxury 3D mink lashes to show you from their collection in the styles London and Dubai. Each of the pairs comes with adhesive in the box and they can be re-used up to 20 times. 

Upon first glance, both the London and Dubai lashes do look quite similar. They are both big, wispy and fluffy, 3D and have black bands, but London has more of an extreme criss-cross and they are more feathery whereas the Dubai lashes have less of an intense criss-cross and are more spiky whilst still being fluttery.

They come packaged in your standard lash case with the lashes attached to the plastic and then the case is covered by a sleeve on one side that contains the brand name.

I’ll begin by talking about things that relate to both sets of lashes, then I’ll split off and discuss each pair individually with some before and after photos of how they look. Before applying them, I applied some eyeshadow (I’ll be reviewing said eyeshadow for my next post - keep your eyes peeled!) and a simple line of liquid eyeliner on the top of the lid and black pencil liner on the waterlines. No wings or bold lines, just liner on the lid to disguise the band and the waterline to create the appearance of a thicker lash base. For contrast, I also took some photos without any eyeliner.

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Tips for Keeping Our Mental Health in Balance During the Coronavirus Lockdown

- This post contains affiliate links and contributions from companies - full disclaimer at the end -

Hey guys! Right now the world is facing a global pandemic due to coronavirus (Covid-19). On top of the worry that many people are already facing from this, a lot of us have been put into lockdown. This is understandably going to effect all of us in different ways, including our mental health. Humans are a social species and we’re not built to be cooped up indoors for extended periods of time. Therefore, it’s okay to not be feeling okay right now.

Photo Credit: Miguel A. Padrinan

Today I wanted to acknowledge the effects that the coronavirus pandemic is having on peoples mental health and focus on some tips for keeping yourself in balance. I’ve been in touch with some fantastic people and companies to create a collaborative post that covers a whole range of mental health boosting tips and tricks. From meditation techniques to exercise, new hobbies and recommendations, together we’ve tried to cover everything. I've split the post into two halves which cover looking after ourselves physically and also mentally. So sit back and have a flick through the advice that we have compiled and, most importantly, stay healthy and safe!

UPDATE: Post was updated on 15/04/20 to add extra tips!

Before we dive into the tips and recommendations, I wanted to start by saying that if you are really struggling right now then please do not be put off from reaching out for help. I have included contact information for relevant helplines and websites at the end of the post for anyone who may be in need of them.